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About Blue Lotus

Writer: makaulamakaula

When their barge entered in front of Min Temple Outer wall, Water Lilly was pink.

Then Young Prince and Aperel walk to the Temple complex. All the Lilly changed its color to Blue.

It is called BLUE LOTUS, or Blue lotus of the Nile, Sacred Blue Lily of the Nile.


The below information is from Wikipedia.

Blue Lotus, known in English as Egyptian lotus, is a water lily in the genus Nymphaea, a botanical variety of Nymphaea nouchali.

It was grown by the Ancient Egyptian civilization and had significance in their religion.

The plant and flower are very frequently depicted in Ancient Egyptian Art.

They have been depicted in numerous stone carvings and paintings, including the temple of Karnak walls, which may be associated with rites of the afterlife.

Many pharaohs' mummies were covered with the petals of the flower.

N. caerulea was considered highly significant in Egyptian mythology, regarded as a sun symbol since the flowers are closed at night and open again in the morning.

At Heliopolis, the world's origin was taught to have been when the sun god Ra emerged from a lotus flower growing in "primordial waters."

At night, he was believed to retreat into the flower again.

Its color was identified in some beliefs as the original container, similar to an egg of Atum.

Also, Ra, both solar deities, has applied similar ideas.

As such, its properties form the origin of the "lotus variant" of the Ogdoad cosmogeny.

It was the symbol of the Egyptian deity Nefertem.

It is associated with a species of snail, one of the main hosts of the pathogen causing human schistosomiasis.

The underwater rhizomes are edible.

This lotus has been used to produce perfumes since ancient times; it is also used in aromatherapy.

Like other species in the genus, the plant contains the psychoactive alkaloid aporphine.

(not to be confused with apomorphine – however, aporphine is converted to apomorphine once metabolized).

Aporphine is said to be the primary psychoactive compound present.

Aporphine was known to both the Maya and the Ancient Egyptians.

Many water lilies (Nymphaea species) produce aporphine alkaloids such as nymphaeine, nymphaline, nupharine, α- and β-nupharidine.

In humans, apomorphine produces nonsexual erections that are enhanced by erotic stimulation without changes in libido (sexual desire), but significant side effects (mainly nausea) can occur.

A sublingual (under the tongue) formulation of apomorphine (2 and 4 mg) with a rapid onset of action (15 to 25 min) has been developed and proven to be efficacious in ED (erectile dysfunction) patients with controlled diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), benign prostatic hypertrophy (the non-harmful enlargement of the prostate from the increase in the size of its cells) or coronary vascular disease (disease of the arteries surrounding and supplying the heart).

Other compounds include nuciferine.

Nuciferine is an alkaloid found within the plants' Nymphaea caerulea and Nelumbo nucifera.

Investigative studies found evidence of behavior traditionally associated with dopamine-receptor stimulation: stereotypy, increase in spontaneous motor activity, inhibition of conditioned avoidance response, and an increase in pain sensitivity resulting in an inhibition of morphine analgesia.

On the other hand, these early investigative studies also found evidence of behavior traditionally associated with dopamine-receptor blockade: decreased spontaneous motor activity, chills, catalepsy, and trance-like states of consciousness.


Blue Lotus could be seen in Egyptian Art everywhere, architects, paintings, sculptures, etc...

It's the most dominant motif in Ancient Egyptian Civilization.

Why is God Min associated with the Blue Nile?

Blue Lotus was the symbol of the deity Nefertem.

Because in humans, apomorphine produces nonsexual erections.

Nefertem makes it hard and elects like his images.

And that is enhanced by erotic stimulation without libido or sexual desire changes.

Nefertem=apomorphine erects Min, which means apomorphine/Nefertem makes erection in humans.

This tells us about internal chemistry dynamics in our human body.


From Anima Amundi Apothecary

The Blue Lotus has been a highly revered plant worldwide, particularly in Egypt.

It has a long recorded history as a Heal-All and is revered as our ancestral flower in mythological texts - creation stories.

Although often considered a nervous system tonic (nervine), it has a broad spectrum of healing abilities.

It has also been studied for its lymph decongestant properties and uterine tonality effects.

The Blue Lotus is revered as an herb to increase sexual vitality in both men and women.

However, I think the adaptogenic benefits work the same way as the ginseng family (and other ginseng-type families.

Like Eleuthero (Siberian ginseng), Suma (Brazilian ginseng).) in the root of the Blue lotus that does all that increasing of energy as the adrenal glands are healed. The androgen hormones, etc. are back in balance, then the extended gone libido returns.

So, in the actual context of an adaptogenic,

I will comment that the Blue Lotus has the power to repair all of the body without taking on any particular organ, system, or illness into account.

It is undiscerning in its selection of what it heals, which is often the case with adaptogens.

It targets the area needing healing, and it shifts energy into what the proper constitution should be.

It just does it all; a medicine that targets the mind, body, soul, and emotions.

They say Isis made perfume from this fantastic flower, and Cleopatra bathed in Blue Lotus essences.

There is something magical and enchanting with the Lotus flower, coming up from the polluted muds of earth and manifesting the pure golden Blue - White energy that can only be described as visually beautiful.

That also relates to the Chakra system of the third eye and crown chakra.

The gold represents the solar plexus chakra that is very much related to physical and earthy energy in its highest power - manifesting as the elevated "I-Am" consciousness.

So, you bring that earth's physical energy to the higher consciousness of psychic and universal energy.

Traditional Aboriginal medicine here in Australia has always used the Blue lotus, eating the roots, stems, and flowers and incorporating this plant into a daily culture.

Traditions and secret women's businesses around this plant go back 40,000 years within recorded botanical scripts.

How to Use it -

This is such a delicious flower that you can seriously add it to anything from Chocolate to salads, nut milk, and desserts.

Its delicious smell is a chocolatey aroma with hints of spice.

I personally love making it with chai flavors.

Get creative and add it to any meals or drinks that may inspire you.



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